Friday, May 21, 2010

The Cop on Top

I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning to jump-start my day. I enjoy the taste, and the smell, to me, is motivating because I associate it with getting my day started.

However, I am not a self-proclaimed addict that has trouble speaking or functioning prior to that first cup 'o joe. Nope, not me. Some days, I may yearn for it more intensely than others; but overall, I simply find it an enhancement to my morning.

And, on days when I want to up the ante on that enhancement, I drive-thru Dunkin' Donuts and order a medium easy/easy (easy cream/easy sugar). On this morning, in particular, I had difficulty waking up; so, as I neared my job, I decided to use my extra 7 minutes to grab a cup.

I pulled into the parking lot and immediately came upon two individuals accepting donations for the Special Olympics. Now, if you know me or have read my previous blogs, you know that I cannot turn-down the opportunity to help a cause, especially the Special Olympics.

Unfortunately, I came to a stifling realization that I had nothing to offer. I do not carry cash and two weeks prior, I had emptied my ashtray of change into the donation bucket for the fire department. Oye.

I avoid eye contact with the first woman as I am frantically trying to come up with something offer as I approach the second one. Obviously, these people want cold hard cash and the contents of my car which includes: hand sanitizer, bubbles from a previous weekend's wedding, and a pair of tap shoes will not suffice.

But, suddenly I am ripped from my flustered thoughts by a voice "encouraging," the female in the black ford escape to stop and make a charitable donation.

Umm, excuse me?? GOD, is that you? 

I slam on my breaks, convinced that I am receiving Divine signals to do big things. I pull up to the lady holding her can showcasing participants of the Special Olympics and my heart tears even more. Yes, I must give her my car. Certainly, they can use it for something for these people, right??

Just as I am about to unbuckle my seat belt I glance over my shoulder and what should I see? A police officer. On. The. Roof. Yea, not The Almighty. I was both silently relieved that I could keep my car and irritated that he had called me out on a bullhorn for not stopping at the first lady.

Still, this does nothing for my fear of having nothing to offer her for one of my favorite causes. I'm flipping through my wallet hoping some cash magically appears, and, IT DOES! I offer up $4 and just as I'm about to pull away, I hear Officer Bull-Horn calling out to me again. This time, requesting that I give him a wave. Well, officer, let's not make this about us or anything, right?

I give an obligatory hi-de-ho and in response receive: "Hey! Be in a good mood, its Friday!" Really?? REALLY? Look, I said that I don't need a daily dose of caffeine to function, but it certainly helps. So, how fair is it to accuse me of being crabby prior to having my first taste of caffeinated bliss. Its not.

And, for the record, I was in a good mood. Forgive me for being a little shocked at being shouted at from the rooftops, literally. All in all, its a good cause and I am thrilled at having contributed to it, even with my measly $4 and near-fatal heart attack.

I drove away and my coffee tasted particularly delicious knowing that it was hard-earned and went toward the Special Olympics. But, I'm not gonna lie....everywhere I go today, I'm looking up so I can be prepared for the next, 'Cop on Top.'

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