Friday, November 27, 2009

26 in Celebration of Turning 26

I'm new to blogging. I like to write. Scratch that. I LOVE to write. I don't do it enough, so I'm starting a blog. So, to be fair, you should know that.

In keeping with the theme of "fairness," you should also know 26 amazing facts about me in celebration of my up-coming 26th birthday:

1. I am a 26 y/o female living in the Chicago Suburbs.
2. I am married to, "Patrick the Pilot." He is a real pilot and his name is really Patrick.
3. We are newlyweds as of July 18, 2009, I think that is fun-terrifying-and hilarious.
4. I currently work as a nanny. A lot of my material will stem from these experiences.
5. In reference to #4, if you call me a babysitter, I will tie you down and pluck your eyelashes out one-by-one. I'm not 15, I don't charge $5/hour, and all the neighborhood dads aren't hot for me. (Well.....only because the neighbors are 60+.....)
6. I once worked in marketing. Ew. Now, I'm BACK in school to become a teacher, elementary-style.
7. I think polka-dots are atrocious.
8. I'm originally from a small town, and I like it that way. I can easily name and identify all 174 people that I graduated with.
9. I enjoy celebrity gossip, reality TV, and Facebook. These are things which also may pop up in my blog from time to time.
10. I can't blow my nose in front of anyone. Bathroom. Door closed. I consider locking it occasionally too.
11. I try to avoid the topic of politics. I will probably rarely, if ever, talk about anything political.
12. I like to cook and my husband likes my cooking. No, really...he does!
13. I need my socks to be very very white. I am meticulous about laundering them.
14. I greatly adore and respect my parents. They are incredible people to learn from.
15. I originally majored in journalism/English, but I overuse commas like nobody's business.
16. I hate surprises. I don't just say that, I really do. I will be nosey and try to figure them out. I am often successful.

-----------I am struggling to reach 20, let alone 26-----------

17. My birthday is December 1. I am six years younger than my sister, Nicole, who's birthday is December 2. I was born at 11:28pm and my mom was determined that we would not share a birthday, so she pushed with avengeance!
18. My sister is a hair stylist. My sister-in-law, Danielle is a hair stylist. My mother-in-law, Wendy is a hair stylist. I will never have a gray hair of split end to speak of.
19. #18 is false, I typically have unbelievable split ends. Sad.
20. I am a freckle-face. My nephew calls them sprinkles, and my mom says they are kisses from angels. I say: thank goodness for makeup!
21. My husband and I argue over whether our future (very far future) children will have attached or detached earlobes. We can't remember which gene is dominant.
22. I am a text-messaging machine. I once averaged 5,200 in one month.
23. I love to run errands. Making a deposit at the bank is one of my favorite things ever!
24. I am typically very polite. Manners are really important to me, but if you don't match, I will be forced to tell you.
25. I am inspired by people who go out of their way for other people, just because.
26. I like to take naps.

Wow. 26 was beginning to feel impossible. But, that's just a little bit of who I am. A lot more will tumble out along the way, but that is just to get us started...better acquainted, if you will.

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